How to call RO3 timer power on/off in our Industry tablet
Some customers want to set the industry tablet power on/off on specific times, here is an instructions to tell you how to call RO3 timer power on/off in our Industry tablet
Development environment:
Developer connect the device and then enter adb sheet, after abtain root access and run command debug.
If you use Java, then use Runtime.getRuntime().exec() to obtain root access.
Basic command
/system/xbin/text yyyyMMddHHmm( power off time )yyyyMMddHHmm( power on time ) [enable|disable](enable means on, disable means off)
I.E. if you want to enable timer power on/ff function.
/system/xbin/test 201511062007 201511071505 enable
Which means set power on at 20:07, Nov, 6th, 2015 and power off at 15:05, 7th, Nov. 2015.

/system/xbin/test 201511062007 201511071505 disable
Means turn off timer power on and off, The power on/off time is invalid, but the command still needs to be there.

what do you need to pay attention to when you are trying to call RO3 timer power on/off in our Industry tablet?
1. When this command is set repeatedly, it will overwrite the previous command, and only the last set command is valid.
2. The system’s built-in Multifunctionclock timer APK is for test only. To avoid mutual influence, please disable or uninstall the software if you do want to call this function.
3. If you want to set timer on/off repeatedly by daily, weekly etc., you have to combine the function of BroadcastReceiver and system alarm etc.
4. When the system time is modified, you need to call the command to reset it
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